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tv   The FOX Report With Shepard Smith  FOX News  September 10, 2010 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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>> bret: yes? who said that? he didn't get the nomination. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that's it for "special report." fair, balanced, fired up, and unafraid. >> shepard: lower manhattan, nearly nine years after our lives changed forever. what is the biggest threat now? the answer in a brand new report. plus, looking for clues in the rubble in northern california. after a massive blast engulfs a neighborhood in flames. tonight, some spots still too hot to search. i'm shepard smith. this is a special edition of "the fox report" live from downtown new york city. the news starts now. >> the fire has burned 15 acres in the city of san bruno. >> dozens of homes are destroyed. >> all the firefighters right away, i knew it was a major, major thing. >> this is [inaudible] >> apocalypse right here. >> shepard: tonight, inside the deadly california inferno.
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[sirens] >> shepard: nearly nine years after the attacks of 9/11, fresh questions about our vulnerability. >> we almost certainly had successful terror attacks on u.s. soil and we need to come to grips with that. >> shepard: tonight, a blunt new look at our national security. plus -- >> somebody said an ied off on me. >> shepard: the bomb took her leg but not her will to fight. >> i wasn't supposed to leave like that. >> shepard: tonight, one brave young soldier visits ground zero and explains why she wants to go back to war. and good evening from liberty state park in jersey city, new jersey on new york harbor just across the hudson river from lower manhattan. nine years ago tonight you would have seen the twin towers behind me. nine years ago some 3,000 americans were still alive.
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spending one last night with friends and family about to be shattered by unthinkable loss. in a city and a nation about to be changed forever. tonight, as we mark nine years since the attacks of 9/11, the leaders of the commission that investigated those attacks are warning us today about another terror threat facing america. the threat from our fell willow americans. >> this past year was a watershed in terrorist attacks and plots in the united states. 43 american citizens or residents were charged with terrorism. >> shepard: and they say the feds have been slow to recognize the threat and are now stumbling blindly as they put it to respond to it "the fox report's" chief correspondent jonathan hunt is here with us on new york harbor. jonathan, they say this is really a pretty serious threat. >> shep, they say it's a serious threat and a growing one. and the reports also say we
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shouldn't look at recent domestic terror events such as the fort hood massacre and this past may's attempted bombing in new york's times square as random unconnected events. they say the attackers in those cases might not know each other, might have had no communication whatsoever with each other, but they are all foot soldiers in a new al qaeda battle strategy. listen. >> the attacks and plots of the past year or so are not and should not be regarded of what off as we are often told. rather we see them as part of a broader strategy embraced by our adversaries al qaeda afacility i can't tells and associates to flood us, in essence from multiple threats from a diverse array of adversaries. >> bottom line, according to this report, shep, this is the most urgent threat we now face. >> were they specific at all about how these young people are being radicalized?
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>> yes, they were. what they say is in this interconnected world in which we now live, it is very easy for men like anwar al-awlaki, remember, he is the radical u.s. born and now yemen based cleric who was behind the fort hood shootings and connected with the times square bomber. very easy for men like that to reach out via internet chat rooms to find disaffected young muslim american men, inspire them with rhetoric and recruit them to the cause. listen again. >> these people can recruit on the internet. some of them are very charismatic. they seem to be able to speak particularly to young and impressionable people that happen to be muslims. that certainly is one factor. second, i think is, a change of strategy as the report points out. i think al qaeda is trying to do this because they have been unsuccessful in doing the big threat, which they like to. they are deciding they can disrupt us this way. >> and the report says the
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reaching out and radicalization of these young muslim american men is happening every day and with greater and greater frequency. >> shepard: if that's the case do they come up with some sort of recommendations about what to do about it? >> they say the main gapping hole to combat terrorism is a lack of a single government agency to track these kind of people and to deal with domestic terror threats. the white house points out that it does now have an enter agency group that is looking at this comprised of some 13 different departments. the clear implication in this report though, shep, is that is not enough. we need to do more. >> shepard: all right, jonathan hunt on that new report for us. a year from now the organizers hope the 9/11 memorial will be open and ready just across the river behind me. but there are other memorials that the public has never seen until now. coming up, a rare look at some very special tributes in places where -- we're not normally allowed to go.
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more in our series of reports the rise of freedom. our cameras have been following the men and women working to rebuild the former world trade center site for many months now. we were there when veterans who joined the military because of the attacks of 9/11 saw ground zero for the very first time. and we'll be back here on the harbor tomorrow night for a special edition of "the fox report" as americans mark nine years since the attacks of 9/11. that's here 7:00 eastern, 6:00 central on fox news channel tomorrow night. well, search teams are going through the wreckage of homes in northern california now. looking for the possibility of any more victims after that massive explosion and ongoing fire. four penal now con -- people now confirmed dead. four more and dozens more hurt after a gas line ruptured and sent a official to beat -- fireball to beat them all hundreds of feet into the sky. >> a big explosion, a big flash of light. i went out on my deck. the heat was intense. the wind was unbelievable.
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>> i could actually hear the sound of the gas -- of the flame. >> shepard: this all happened in san bruno, just south of san francisco, an associated press editor who was attending soccer practice at a local high school there said when parents saw the explosion, everybody grabbed their children and ran. the flames so intense they crews brought in specialized aircraft normally used for forest fires. they were dumping fire retardant on a densely populated. it left a crater in the earth. a lot of families late this afternoon have absolutely nothing left. our claudia cowan with the news live in san bruno this afternoon. claudia, the fire crews say it's too hot to search some of those damaged homes. we were hearing stories of the streets, the asphalt running like water?
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>> yeah. we heard those stories, too, shepard. fire crew have searched roughly 75% of those homes. the rest are still smoldering and still too dangerous to enter. however, officials say there may be a bit of good news amidst all this strategy. they say there is no indication of anyone missing or unaccounted for. that death toll which currently stands at four may not rise though shepard a number of people remain hospitalized at this hour with very serious burn injuries. >> shepard: and they still don't know, claudia, what ignited this gas in the first place, right? >> no, they don't, shepard. they may not know for some time. this entire neighborhood is now a crime scene. these investigations can take months. some residents say they have been complaining to the local utility out here pacific gas and electric about smelling natural gas in the area. power company officials say they are now combing through their records to see who may have called and when and say if it turns out pacific electric is held responsible the company
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will be accountable in all of this. among those teams that are out here right now trying to pinpoint a cause, a four member team with the national transportation safety board along with a plane and train crashes, shepard, the ntsb is also the agency in charge of investigating pipeline accidents. >> shepard: claudia cowan live in afternoon in san bruno, california. a little con fedex now. you should know according to the united states government the u.s. has more than 2 million miles of natural gas pipeline. that's enough frankly to circle the planet more than 80 times. and thousands of companies control those pipelines. here is the thing. the law only requires that inspectors keep tabs on some of those pipelines. the ones near population centers or potentially vulnerable spots like waterways. that means inspectors only check out 7% of all natural gas pipelines in america. you can go to our web site, and find location of pipelines in your neighborhood if you like. head over to and
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click on the link that reads check out your pipeline. president obama today admitted the economic recovery has been weak and he understands many people may blame him as we approach the midterm election. president obama holding his first real news conference since the spring. and remaining on the defensive for much of it appeared to observers. he claims last year's 800 billion-dollar stimulus effort is working but not as well as we had all hoped. >> even though the economy is growing again and we have added more than 750,000 private sector jobs this year, the whole, -- the hole the recession left was huge and progress has been painfully slow. millions of americans are still working for work. >> shepard: the president claims republicans have been holding up many of these plans to help the economy as he once again touted new stimulus proposals he unveiled this week. white house correspondent wendell goler is live on the north lawn this evening. wendell, apparently the word stimulus has become an issue and
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really it has been for a while. >> bad word, frankly, since the 800 billion-dollar american recovery act failed to keep unemployment below 8% as officials here had promised. now, the president says that's because the recession was deeper than anyone thought. he said the stimulus bill actually worked because, without it, things would have been worse. >> i have no problem with people saying the president is trying to stimulate growth in hiring. isn't that what i should be doing. >> still, no one here at the white house is calling the new round of stimulus spending the president wants stimulus 2. shepard? >> shepard: you know, and the president also renewing his call for the extension of the bush era tax cuts. especially in this case for middle class americans. give us the details. >> there you are right. just the tax cuts for people making less than $250,000 a year which has put him at odds with republicans who say that will mean a tax increase for small businesses that clear more than
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that. now, the president has accused them of trying to protect millionaires. they say that allowing the tax cuts for people making more than $250,000 a year to expire will affect mom and pop operations. democrats think they will prevail on this argument because the middle class tax cuts they are willing to renew affect about 97% of the country, shepard. >> shepard: and the president's -- the democrats, really, health care overhaul law has become what appears to be a major topic in the midterm election. the president spoke of that today. >> he did. and with polls already -- i'm sorry, studies already suggesting that the health care reform law has caused an uptick in prices slightly, the president had to basically weigh in and say things will get better in the long run. he admitted, however, that these are polls that the democratic candidates can't ignore in the fall. >> we're in a political season where every candidate out there has their own district. their own makeup. their own plan.
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their own message. >> the president already admitted the november elections will be tough on democrats if they are a referendum on the economy itself, shepard. >> shepard: wendell goler at the white house this evening. wendell, thanks. a major rolling now on the controversial don't ask don't tell policy on gays in the merit. we'll explain why a federal judge says not only is it unconstitutional but it also hurts our armed forces. fox reports live tonight from liberty state park, jersey city, new jersey, overlooking lower manhattan on a perfectly beautiful early fall day from the journalists of fox news, nine years later. this is the fox report. with orbitz, i know what to expect from my vacation. bad dog, balloon pop. [ dog whimpers ] because orbitz has price assurance.
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>> shepard: 16 minutes past the hour on "the fox report" live on the harbor on the jersey side. breaking today don't ask, don't tell is unconstitutional. a federal judge made that landmark ruling declaring a united states ban on openly gay service members violates the first and fifth amendments. the clinton administration
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adopted that policy back in 1993. in essence, it bans the military from asking about the sexual orientation of any of its members. but still allows defense officials to reremove servicemen and servicemen who acknowledge openly that they are gay or are caught engaging in gay acts. today's ruling could change that. but there are hurdles ahead. trace gallagher with the news live from our west coast news hub tonight. trace, what happens now? >> well, the judge who made the ruling, shep, virginia phillips still has to draft and file the injunction. once that happens, the government then has one week to respond. and the government says that it will absolutely appeal. this the government today maintains that judge philip overstepped her bounds that she does not have the authority to just instill a national ban on don't ask, don't tell. the government also says that this thing does not belong in the courts. that, in fact, it is a political issue. and it belongs in congress. the house of representatives voted to repeal don't ask, don't tell back in may.
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the senate will take this up this year. and president obama has also vowed to repeal don't ask, don't tell, shep. >> shepard: trace, what kind of response from the two sides on this issue today? >> well, the group log cabin republicans, which is a conservative gay rights group, they are the one that filed this lawsuit back in 2004. they are saying because of don't ask, don't tell, some 13,500 members of the military have been fired since 1994. today, the group issued a statement and i'm quoting here, it says the decision will change the lives of many individuals who only wanted to serve their country bravely. going on here, family resource council, which opposes gays in the military issued their statement saying it is hard to believe that a district court level judge in california knows more about what impacts military readiness than the service chiefs who are all on the record saying the law on homosexuality should not be changed, shep.
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>> shepard: trace gallagher live in los angeles. trace, thank you. some veterans who joined the united states military after the attacks of 9/11 recently made their first visit to ground zero. and our cameras were there as these american heros stood near the site of the attacks that inspired them to serve. their stories are coming up. plus, details on a devastating computer virus that's now swept really across corporate america. it reportedly infected some big-name companies. and even the rocket scientists at nasa weren't immune. just ahead, the email subject lines to avoid. and what happens if you get hit. my nasal allergies are ruining our camping trip.
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>> shepard: live tonight on the banks of new york harbor with downtown manhattan and the former ground zero behind me. there is word today of a major cyber attack. targeting corporations and government agencies including nasa possibly they tell us the u.s. department of homeland security. as it turns out victims get a email and the subject line is here you have or just for you. inside that message is a link. and that link if you click it activates the virus and sends it to everybody in your address book. a lot of us got them yesterday. and we're told the virus has now gone global. it's said to be causing problem for some pretty big named companies too including abc disney. wells fargo, google, comcast and coca cola. gerri willis from the fox business network is live from our newsroom in new york tonight. jerry, the department of homeland security is investigating this thing now, right? >> that's right. they are said to be investigating it they have confirmed that they have not confirmed the idea that they may actually have been a victim of this as well.
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it's affecting many companies in corporate america and it's coming soon to a computer near you, no doubt. >> it happened to a friend of mine because i got a bounce from her email yesterday and was like, all right. do i click on this or not the answer is don't clirks right? >> no, no, no. here is what you need to do if you think you might be a victim of this. first of all you have to have antivirus software an your computer. semantic and mac fee are the two big companies. few a search on the web you can get free antivirus software as well. also, get the updates on your computer. you get emails all the time. messages from your computer system, you need an update. make sure you take that and don't open any attachments from emails from people that you don't know. that's always a disaster. and you especially want to be careful right now. >> shepard: no attachments, no links, no nothing if you don't know them. gerry, we will be watching for you on the fox business network
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4:00 central time. the fastest growing business news on television fbn. if you don't get it, demand it a former intelligence officer says he was on to the 9/11 ringleader before the attacks of 9/11. now he has written a book and the pentagon says it's trying to make sure nobody ever gets to read it or at least vast parts of it we're live in d.c. with the details on that with this special edition of "the fox report" tonight on liberty state park in jersey city, overlooking lower manhattan. me neither. it beneful incredibites. it's just the way you like it-- with carbohydrates for energy and protein for muscles. [ woman announcing ] beneful incredibites. another healthful, flavorful beneful.
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talk to securehorizons today to get the answers you need. call now. it's it's the bottom of the hour. time for the top of the news. a live look the at lower manhattan on the eve of september the 11th. nine years later the pentagon trying to block a book written by a former intelligence officer who claims he identified the lead hijacker in the attacks of 9/11 as a threat before the attacks happened. tony shaffer, he received a bronze star for his service in afghanistan. he has also and on fox news as a military analyst. thought book and the controversy and catherine herridge is live on it from washington tonight. catherine. >> thanks, shep. tony shaffer spoke to fox before he was ordered by army public affairs not to discuss the book until the negotiations are complete between the publisher and the defense department for
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the 10,000 copies that right now are sitting in a warehouse. what's key here is that the army signed off on this book, then the dia stepped in. >> apparently defense intelligence agency took exception to the way the army cleared the book. and a second review is now underway of the book. >> is that unusual? >> it's highly unusual, yes. >> this letter from the dia to the army alleges that the author did not follow proper review procedures it reads, in part. dia's preliminary review of this manuscript has identified significant classified information the release of which i have could be reasonly expected to cause serious damage to niewrtd. they say they follow procedure laid out by the army. one chapter of this book focuses on a covert pre-9/11 project called able danger. dia wanted three sections out. including a meeting in afghanistan where the author told the executive director of the 9/11 commission report that
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lead hijacker mohammed atta was identified by able danger before the attacks. >> i did. >> what was their reaction? >> it was stun silent. the doctor approached me in the corner of the room and said as i recall, what you said today is very important. >> so why would the defense department spend taxpayer dollars to keep a book off the shelves about a project that is 10 years old? critics of the defense department tell fox that they believe the entire story of able danger has not been told, shep. >> shepard: catherine herridge live in washington tonight. thanks. meantime, another new report claims the afghan president harmid karzai is dividing his nation and alienating many of his supporters by reaching out to the taliban. according to the reporting of the "wall street journal," which is owned by the parent company of this network, president karzai has been trying to make some kind of peace deal with afghan militants. draw them into the fold, so to speak. but today on "studio b," author and film maker robert glen
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pelton who has been in afghanistan many times and works with the military on occasion explained that this is creating a very sticky situation. >> their view in afghanistan is -- shoot at my uncle or nephew last year we are friends and we all get along together. the taliban has been branded by this terrible draconian government. that was 10 years ago. yes they have those elements within them. we have killed off moist of the top operational leadership there is a whole new generation of taliban coming up media savvy. more moderate. at the same time they want us out. >> shepard: in other words it's incredibly complex. several military leaders apparently agree with president karzai's plan because a similar strategy had positive effects inside iraq. of course, thousands of our troops are still in afghanistan and iraq. tens of thousands. a number of them responding to the call of duty after the attacks of 9/11. many have already paid the ultimate price without ever getting to visit the site that motivated them to serve.
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but now some of those fortunate enough to make it back alive are just getting their first look. ♪ ♪ >> i remember watching the news when it happened. >> the 9/11 terror attacks motivated kendra coleman to join the military. but, until now, she had never seen ground zero. >> this is where the war started and -- >> when i look at that it definitely reminds you who and what we are fighting for. >> feel free to wander around. >> this 23-year-old army corporal is part of a group of wounded soldiers from army reid medical center visiting new york city. starting with the world trade center site. >> wow. >> we are here for weekend for heros. we kick off the event here at ground zero so we can start off the whole tour commemorating for
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many of them, why they joined. >> i saw where it was. >> you see soldiers on the news get killed every day. lose legs. lose arms. it's because of this. it's because they took our twin towers and killed thousands of our people. >> i joined in 2005 for anybody after september 11th. that was always in the back of our minds when we joined. it's sobering that while we are going about our every day lives something that disastrous could happen. >> shepard: lt. frederick simpson joined the army in 2005 and was on his first deployment when he got shot. >> we were on the pakistan border and we came in direct contact with the taliban and had a fire fight. there is no music playing like there is in the movies. there is nothing heroic about today's battle. it is just chaos. >> shepard: this offers a stark contrast. seeing the structures and the construction progress at ground zero brings simpson a sense of hope.
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>> i have been a lot of places in the united states. this is probably the first time in a long time that i have really been amazed. there is so much damage inflicted on america but america just kind of shrugs and has all these resource was it pulls together and we keep doing what we have to do to have a good life. >> shepard: for corporal coleman means a good life means getting back to unit in afghanistan. something she wants to do despite the fact that she lost her left leg. >> i actually want to go back. i'm trying to step -- set that up now. >> i'm a military paratrooper. may 11th, 2010, we were called out to do a mission. i was the second man on the patrol. somebody set the ied off on me, the improvised explosive device. i have always been terrified of losing a leg or arm. >> i think it's important to understand that to someone else it meant a great deal to sacrifice not just their time with their families but their actual limbs.
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it is so immense to sacrifice that had has to be honored. >> i have two sons, they are 7 and 56789 it's been really difficult. [clearing throat] >> well, in the end i contributed to them being safe to whatever degree, it's worth it. i would do every moment again. >> lt. frederick simpson says he hopes to regain use of his left leg and wants to join the field of medicine. both he and kendra coleman say that to them and their families the sacrifice was worth it. for more on their stories and many others, log on to our web site, rise of freedom page at you can get there quickly by going to of freedom. and a live look over lower manhattan. these are the tribute lights -- tribute inlight as they call it the two beams you see pointing into the sky.
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they do this every year on the evening of 9/11. you can see the clouds blowing over lower manhattan on a perfectly beautiful but chilly night. these are up for testing only for ten minutes tonight and they happen to be on right now. the testing happens every year and as i mentioned only for 10 minutes but a beautiful thing to see in lower manhattan. and no better place to be on 9/11 than in that spot where we pay tribute to those who went to work that morning and, as a result, lost their lives that day and all of those who have across this nation and around the world tried to protect our freedom in the aftermath. well, iran's leadership may be breaking. a promise now to release one of the american hikers who have been sitting in jail there for more than a year. you remember last night we reported that it was over that iran's envoy to the united nations said they would indeed release sharon showrd. today simi official says there
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has been a change of planes. according to that agency a spokesman for mahmoud ahmadinejad says the release will not happen at all. our pentagon reporters have reminded us that iran sometimes plays games like this before releasing prisoners. iranian police grabbed shourd along with shane bowyer and joshua fattal anear the border last week. they got lost and accidently may have wandered over the border. iranian officials claim the three young americans are spies. a spokesman for sara shourd's family says that the 31-year-old has fallen ill now and has a lump in her breast. well, the department of justice just went after arizona's controversial imground invasion law and now government officials have set their sights on the states department of education. we'll show you why coming up. and just behind me the sight of a proposed islamic center that's making worldwide headlines. but across america, there are stories of similar facilities, stories you may not have heard
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about. context and perspective on a heated debate as we watch the tribute in light above lower manhattan. this is a special edition of fox report overlooking downtown.
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tomorrow on 9/11 they will light these for the entirety of the evening as thousands gather in lower manhattan to listen to the reading of the names of all those who died to be thankful for those who are fighting for our freedom overseas and to remember that perfectly blue, incredibly awful day nine years ago tomorrow. tonight, we're at liberty state park just across from there. across from ground zero and the site of recent controversy. we have heard, of course, a lot of angry arguments lately over whether muslims should be allowed to build an islamic center a couple of blocks away from the former world trade
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center site. and we wanted to point out that sort of reaction is the exception rather than the rule. for example, consider the situation about 90 miles south and southwest of manhattan in the suburb of berlin. a mosque opened without a single protest and not a negative a warm welcome from the neighbors which include a church across the street and synagogue next door. it's america, we all live and worship here together. that's but one example of how religious tolerance is alive and well across this nation. jonathan serrie with the news live in our southeast newsroom tonight. jonathan a new islamic center also set to open in memphis and what good neighbors they have. >> that's right. right across the street from a christian church, some members of that church admit that they were a little nervous at first but then they considered that when faced with similar situations jesus always welcomed the outsider. and they decided they should do the same. so they put up a sign that says welcome to the neighborhood. and they opened their doors to allow their muslim neighbors to
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hold worship services inside their church as they await completion of their new mosque. >> shepard: what's the reaction been for members of that mosque? i hear it's been all open arms. >> that's right. it's been a mixture of surprise and gratitude. members of the memphis islamic center say they too learned some things about one another. listen to this. >> on both sides, there were probably maybe misnomers and stereotypes of the other groups that were completely broken down. >> mosque leaders say that they believe that this new friendship with this church across the street will help build upon interfaith relationships well beyond the confines of this one memphis neighborhood, shep. >> shepard: sharing that building, learning about each other, and peace and harmony on the banks of the mississippi. a great story. thanks. the former cuban leader fidel castro says the american journalists who recently interviewed him misunderstood
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him when he remarked that cuba's communist system does not work anymore for cuba. we reported last night about castro's interview with the atlantic magazine and how the reporter jeffrey goldberg wrote that he asked the former president of cuba if he believes that the cuban model is still something worth exporting and castro replied and i quote the cuban model doesn't even work for us anymore. castro admits the quote is indeed correct but he claims goldberg missed his irony and he believes it's the capitalist system that no longer works. we felt like it might be too good to be true. new trouble in bell california, tonight where locals are already protesting city leaders' high salaries. investigation how the town may be paying those salaries. the u.s. justice department is reportedly looking into charges of civil rights violations in the los angeles suburb. accord to the "l.a. times" hispanic drivers claim cops are
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ill leally towing their cars then charging huge fees to get them back. the city of bell reportedly made more than $800,000 from those fees last year. which would be enough to cover the city manager's salary for one year. well, crews in colorado may finally be getting the upper hand on a wildfire that's burned more than 150 homes according to the authorities. the latest word from fire officials coming next. we're still waiting for the real tally of tropical storm hermine's damage. get an update on the flooding across the state of texas meteorologist rick reichmuth joins us. another threat brewing offshore tonight. that is still ahead on "the fox report" as we report live tonight from liberty state park in jersey city, new jersey in the shadow of lower manhattan. [ male announcer ] at e-trade, low cost investing means getting a low price. plus the choice of every etf,
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>> shepard: one person still reported missing in texas tonight after widespread flooding from tropical storm hermine. at least six people now confirmed dead in the aftermath. we're told search teams today found the remains of two victims who were swept up in the fast moving floodwaters. and we're tracking another weather system in the far eastern atlantic right now. forecasters say it could become a hurricane by the weekend. our chief meteorologist rick reichmuth is live in the fox weather center in new york city. where is this system headed. >> kind of like all these storms that we have been seeing for the last couple weeks come off the coast of africa and continue to pull off to the west-northwest. this one is igor and the track looking similar what we have been seeing and strengthening quite a bit. a category 3 storm within five days, shepard, so a major hurricane potentially brewing. kind of following the same track. right here towards the
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west-northwest it will make a right jog eventually it matters where it does that. some of the models getting very close to the u.s. again. that is probably about 9 to 10 days away from now, shep. we have a very long time, again, to watch this one just like we have the last few. could be dealing with another storm. this right here across the eastern caribbean could become julia by the time we get towards the latter part of the weekend. this could be a weathermaker for us in the gulf maybe some time next week as well. shepard, as a point of note today is the statistical peak of hurricane season. certainly like it is begin to come a fulfilled promise. >> shepard: rick reichmuth live in the fox weather center in new york city. rick, thanks. a wildfire alert now and crews working to control a raging blaze that started on labor day near boulder, colorado. we're told it's now 45% contained. today, more than half of the 3500 people who evacuated got to return to their homes. but officials are warning to keep an eye on things in case powerful winds whip up the flames yet again.
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the fire has already burned through 10 square miles and destroyed at least 169 homes according to authorities. reportedly more than any other wildfire in reported history in colorado. well, you might be able to find a peeves the world trade center steel in a park near you. the memorials and contributes are all over the nation now. remember, as fox reports from new york harbor, we will show you some of the 9/11 hart facts that very few people have ever seen. that's next on route to bill o'reilly. yeah. gear up with great deals at bass pro shops. like... bass pro shops. your adventure starts here.
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their family members and their friends are to gather tomorrow as they have every september 11th since then. many will mark the day about a mile behind me at the world trade center. the vice president joe biden scheduled to join them there tomorrow. president obama meanwhile is scheduled to attend a ceremony at the pentagon. he laid a wreath there last year. the first lady michelle obama and former first lady laura bush have both said they will attend this year's commemoration near shanksville, pennsylvania. updating some of the other top stories of the night. fire investigators near san bruno, california continue to comb through the charred remains of a gas explosion that killed four people. government iran have postponed the release of shourd. they captured and and two others along the border with iraq. on this day in 1919, the united states officially welcomed home troops who had served in world war i with a massive victory party in new york city.
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the war had been over for nearly a year, but of the two million americans who had fought in europe, nearly 50,000 lost their lives. so when some 25,000 troops marved right down fifth avenue, spectators turned out in droves. in fact, the first division of the american expeditionary force marched from 107th street all the way down to greenwich village. 100 block. -- john persianing, the commander of u.s. forces. but our dough boys got a welcome home 91 years ago today. and finally in the weeks and months after terrorists hijacked commercial airlines and set their sites on new york city and washington, memorials started to pop up across our land as communities marked a national tragedy. most of these contributes are open to the public. some though have remained behind closed doors until now. a number of federal security agencies granted fox news access
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to the buildings around the nation's capital. building that are so swell protected we can't each show you them from the outside. >> this room is called the 9/11 victim's memorial following the prosecution of zacarias moussaoui an admitted al qaeda terrorist we had a number of admits that had been used in the trial and we needed a place to display them to honor the victims of 9/11. we have on the walls here pictures of most of the people who were killed that day. we have artwork that was found at the scene of 9/11. many of them hand drawn pictures by children. it's a sobering way to start work. it's a reminder that the threat still exists. >> the first thing i see when i walk through the door is the memorial. the first thing that makes us think about is the need to be vigilant. the trust that the public has placed in the t.s.a. to secure the skies. you will notice the girder from the 77th floor of the tower of
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the world trade center. additionally you will see there is rubble from the edifice of the pentagon. some of is blackened from the fuel and smoke. finally there is a piece of the united airlines plane that crashed near shanksville. >> what i see when i see this mother-in-law which is a piece from the world trade center and pentagon and flag that was recovered in the world trade center site is this is why we are here. this is why we are at the national counter terrorism center is to stop something like this from happening every day. it's a way of bringing us back to the very, very real consequences of violence islamic extremism in the world. that flag is torn and tattered but it's still there we have to remember the people who died under rubble like that. >> shepard: well, there in the washington area and here in the new york city area remembering is not a problem. nine years after america changed. and now you know the news for this friday, september the 10th, 20


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